Space Industry Skillnet
Space Industry Skillnet offers 12 training opportunities:
Commercial and Non-Commercial Space Applications
Workshop (Elfordstown) by Space Industry Skillnet and National Space Centre (Ireland) · €500 (~£417)
Explore the uses, societal impact, commercial use cases and future directions of satellite technology applications.
Doing Business With ESA
Seminar (Online) by Space Industry Skillnet · Free
This training course introduces the fundamentals of how to successfully engage with the European Space Agency [ESA]. It includes all the practical information required to support a straightforward start to working with ESA, including an introduction to the procurement process; the esa-star system; Tender and Proposal Template documents; IP requirements and PSS cost breakdown forms. Upon completion, course graduates will be ready to engage with ESA in a knowledgeable and efficient manner.
Space Applications: Project Build Day
Workshop (Elfordstown) by Space Industry Skillnet and National Space Centre (Ireland) · €500 (~£424)
Conception, drafting, and design of a commercial space application with a team made of class participants or from your own existing team
Workshop (Killaloe) by Space Industry Skillnet and Atek Training Services Ltd · POA
IPC/WHMA-A-620 is the first industry consensus standard for cable and wire harness fabrication and installation. Classes of products are defined and include criteria for Target, Acceptable, Process Indicator and Defect conditions to support the collection of visual quality acceptability requirements for each class. These criteria are supported by full-colour illustrations. After your trainers are certified to this specification, they will be qualified to teach and certify individuals in the IPC/WHMA-A-620 standard.
Workshop (Killaloe) by Space Industry Skillnet and Atek Training Services Ltd · POA
Nearly everything electronic in the universe depends on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB). For many years, the IPC-A-600 “Acceptability of Printed Boards” document has set the standard for PCB workmanship quality, giving comprehensive acceptance criteria with full colour illustrations and photographs showing all types of printed board surface and internal conditions. Because of its importance to both the PCB manufacturer and assembler, the IPC-A-600 has become one of the most widely used documents ever published by IPC.
NSC Space Academy: Space Engineering Certification
Short course (Elfordstown) by Space Industry Skillnet and National Space Centre (Ireland) · €2,500 (~£2083)
Designed for Engineers, IT professionals and network industry personnel, the Introduction to Space Communications and Satellite Applications learning framework will equip consultants and professionals with a core understanding of the growing area of Space and Satellite Communications.
IPC-7711/7721 CIT/CIS/CSE
Workshop (Killaloe) by Space Industry Skillnet and Atek Training Services Ltd · POA
This train the trainer program teaches industry approved techniques on through hole and surface mount rework, land conductor and laminate repair. It also provides a flexible highly skilled-oriented training program with teaching materials that enable a qualified representative from your company to train personnel on a variety of procedures from the IPC-7711 “Rework of Electronic Assemblies and the IPC-7721 “Repair and Modification of Printed boards and Electronic assemblies”.
Winning ESA Proposals
Workshop (Athlone) by Space Industry Skillnet · POA
This course provides a detailed description of a best practice process for ESA proposals, based on aerospace industry standards applied in North America and Europe. It will teach an efficient method of selecting and compiling compelling proposals. It also reviews the ESA ITT pack and EXPRO Proposal templates in detail to maximise the chances of a successful proposal response. This interactive course includes a workshop with participants reviewing and compiling a proposal.
Workshop (Killaloe) by Space Industry Skillnet and Atek Training Services Ltd · POA
This course is designed to help electronic manufacturers achieve the highest quality, productivity, and cost-effective production by ensuring that personnel can correctly apply the acceptability criteria of the IPC-A-610 “Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies” whilst performing visual inspection of PCB’s.
Radio Signals and Network Design for Space Communications
Workshop (Elfordstown) by Space Industry Skillnet and National Space Centre (Ireland) · €500 (~£424)
Advanced satellite communication, including signal propagation fundamentals, network design and management.
Workshop (Killaloe) by Space Industry Skillnet and Atek Training Services Ltd · POA
The IPC-J-STD-001 “Requirements for soldered electrical and electronic assemblies” has emerged as the pre-eminent authority for Electronic assembly manufacturing worldwide. The standard describes materials, methods and verification criteria for producing high quality soldered interconnections. The standard emphasises process control and established industry consensus requirements for a broad range of electronic connections.
Satellite System Architecture: Design Principles and Implementation
Workshop (Elfordstown) by Space Industry Skillnet and National Space Centre (Ireland) · €500 (~£424)
Gain insights and understanding of the complexities and possibilities of satellite system architecture.