Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD)


Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) offers 7 training opportunities:

Guided Weapons - Propulsion and Aerodynamics Applications - GWS-APA

Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current

This course will give you the grounding and understanding of the fundamental theory of aerodynamics and propulsion to guided weapon systems including detailed worked examples.

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Guided Weapons - Warheads, Explosives and Materials - GWS-WEM

Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current

This course will help you to understand the importance of warheads and explosives within the context of guided weapon (GW) systems.

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Guided Weapons Control Theory - GWS-CT

Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current

The course offers a solid foundation of control system theory specifically for guided weapon (GW) systems thus incorporating the key assumptions and challenges surrounding guided weapons.

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Guided Weapons - Propulsion and Aerodynamics Theory - GWS-PAT

Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current

The objective of the course is to cover the fundamental theory of the subjects of both aerodynamics and propulsion, in order that it may be understood and later applied to real GW system designs.

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Guided Weapons - Structures, Aeroelasticity and Power Supplies - GWS-SAPS

Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current

This course will cover aspects of guided weapon (GW) design especially involving the key disciplines of structures, vibrations and aeroelasticity and power supplies.

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Guided Weapons - MAA-GW

Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current

This course will introduce you to the ‘missile’ and the system; constituent parts of the missile and how they integrate into the complete system; the threat and how it can be countered.

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Signal Processing, Statistics and Analysis

Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current

This short course is a module from the Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc (MESE) it is also shared by Guided Weapons System (GWS) MSc course. It is delivered by Cranfield University on behalf of the Defence College for Military Capability Integration, Defence Academy. This course provides the analytical tools required to describe the signals found in communications and sensor systems and also the techniques employed in such receivers. This course is a foundation module for anyone who is intent on studying communications, radar and electro-optics systems at masters level.

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