Space training opportunities
623 training opportunities for the UK and European space sectors, last updated 7 September 2024. Curated by Space Skills Alliance.
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Found 30 training opportunities
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SPACE 410 – Rendezvous & Proximity Operations
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
The continued development and employment of dual-use technologies and techniques in space provide opportunities and threats to the continued, and unfettered, use of the space domain for commercial, military, and science users. Our Advanced Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (RPO) Course provides students a higher level of understanding and knowledge of the principles, techniques, constraints, and impacts of RPO from launch to on-orbit maneuvers. We examine the opportunities RPO offers for on-orbit inspection, repair, refuel, debris removal, and other support missions to maximize an increasingly congested domain. Students also think through RPO’s impacts to national and international security implications as part of a contested operating environment.
SPACE 201 – Space Race 2.0
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
This 8-hour asynchronous expands upon the lessons learned in SP 100 or SP 105 and exposes the student to space- based capabilities available to policymakers and militarys around the globe. Students will be introduced to current and emerging kinetic and non-kinetic space threats, the rapid growth in commercialization of the space industry, and the driving forces behind this phenomenon. Finally, the student will be asked to describe the impact of international policy and the commercialization of space on future military acquisitions and capabilities. Potential students should be chosen for continued evaluation as candidates for progression in space-based operations or other related career fields.
SPACE 301 – Electromagnetic Warfare
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
“Electronic Warfare” is an asynchronous, self-paced 6-hour course designed to raise students’ awareness of space by examining the evolution of electronic warfare and the use of space, space as warfighting domain, and current trends in the emerging space industry. Graduates of this course will be able to describe the characteristics of space and identify the various electronic warfare tactics and countermeasures employed to deny, degrade, deceive, disrupt, destroy, and protect space systems. Expanding on this knowledge, the students will be given an opportunity to learn about jamming techniques, electronic support techniques, and electronic protection tactics aiding in electronic attack. Additionally, students will gain an understanding of the importance of electronic warfare and its impact on space operations.
SPACE 900 – The Space Domain – National Security Executive Seminar
Short course (United States) by Global Space University · POA · Current
Space 900 provides a foundation in space grand strategy to introduce students to space policy and published guidance that shapes strategic initiatives as nation states, allies and partners in space. Space 900 provides an overview of the space environment across all orbital regimes and introduces space capabilities to familiarize students with current examples across military, commercial, allied and civil space. This course provides a stark reality-check on our space vulnerabilities through a review of current adversary counter space capabilities and threat systems that provide a variety of critical services to all nations. We use a series of practical real-world vignettes and examples, to engage the student with situations where space capabilities and space mission areas are applied in support of multi-domain operations. Our discussions and exercises illustrate space interoperability, synchronization, support, and effects across the spectrum of operations. Finally, Space 900 incorporates multiple senior leader perspectives, ranging from the Department of Defense, allied/partner leaders, as well as leaders from commercial space industry. Space 900 offers the unique opportunity to have face-to-face dialogues with space enterprise leaders to enrich your experience and learning with seasoned perspective to achieve a greater awareness of the space environment, threats, and capabilities.
SPACE 400 – Space Operations Planning
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
This intensive course teaches students to integrate space operations into intelligence and multi-domain operations. Graduates will understand the current international legal regime and multi-national space organizations and the constraints both place on space operations. The course describes the fundamentals of space warfare as described in the US Joint Publication 3-14 and students shall be able to determine space operational requirements to protect coalition space assets and their ability to project combat power. Graduates will develop and analyze courses of action and operational requirements for the best employment of available space assets for ongoing and future military operations and communicate their knowledge to military staff and combat commanders. (Prerequisite: Space 310)
SPACE 200 – Space Systems Design
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
Continuous improvements in technology and globalization of services led to the development and proliferation of advanced space systems across commercial, civil, and military sectors. Space capabilities underpin infrastructure and services for commerce, agriculture, humanitarian- and disaster-relief efforts, financial transactions, social networks, and national defense. This course builds upon the principles of orbital mechanics and spacecraft design from Space 100. Graduates of this course will clearly articulate how satellites, payloads, and constellations are designed to provide specific capabilities. Students thoroughly explore scientific concepts behind various space- based asset design, including the use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum in remote sensing, frequency allocation and budgets for satellite communications, and the intricacies of precision navigation and timing. Students will design a payload, spacecraft and its associated systems and sub-systems, and constellation for a specific purpose as well as describe the launch and orbital transfer parameters required to ultimately achieve their design. (Prerequisite: Space 100)
SPACE 440 – Space ISR
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
This course is for space professionals to develop an advanced understanding of Space Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and its applications to civil, commercial and military problems sets. The space domain provides an unparalleled vantage point compared to the land, sea, and air domain. Collection platforms placed in space–the ultimate high ground–have the ability to provide continuous coverage even in the most heavily contested areas of the globe. Space ISR can provide civilian and military decision makers with remote sensing data, signals intelligence, indications and warning, battle damage assessments, force disposition, and characterization of the operating environment. The use of surveillance and reconnaissance satellites has evolved from more of a strategic nature to providing more time-sensitive operational and tactical levels of support. The advantage of conducting reconnaissance and surveillance from space has led to an exponential growth in the number of Space ISR satellites in orbit.
SPACE 460 – International Space Policy & Strategy
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
Space remains a contested, competitive, congested, costly, and complex domain for international governments and commercial entities alike. We launch into the historical underpinnings of the use of space and step through the origins, evolution, current status, and future prospects of international space policies and strategies. We also examine principles of international space law, norms, and treaties that affect ongoing and future space commerce, exploration, and security.
SPACE 102 – Introduction to Space
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
This asynchronous, self-paced 8-hour course raises students’ awareness of space by examining the evolution of our understanding and use of space, space as warfighting domain, and trends in the emerging space industry. Graduates of this course will be able to describe the characteristics of space and identify the various orbital regimes employed by spacecraft in operation today. Students will be given an opportunity to learn about the various space-based missions such as satellite communications, ISR, position navigation and timing, missile warning, and environmental monitoring. Lastly, the students will gain a deeper appreciation for the capabilities these missions provide to fielded commanders and how their denial can severely impact the operational environment.
SPACE 300 – Adversary Space Capabilities I
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
Adversaries rely on a variety of integrated terrestrial, cyber, and space-based capabilities and equipment to deliver information, communications, and global awareness. The rapidly expanding commercial space industry provides low-cost space capabilities and options for nations and actors across the globe to enter a previously inaccessible domain. This course introduces the student to the who, what, and why regarding China, Russia, and commercial space programs. By examining the national objectives of both countries, their current and developing space- based capabilities, and commercial space endeavors, graduates of this course will have a firm understanding of the challenges and opportunities these doctrinally based capabilities pose to US and allied interests. This course examines Chinese, Russian, and commercial industry space capabilities: This course covers Chinese, Russian, and commercial industry space capabilities: National Objectives, Doctrine, and Organization; Space Lift; Space Domain Awareness; Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance; Position, Navigation and Timing; Satellite Communications; and Nuclear Detection, Environmental Monitoring, Missile Warning, and Missile Defense. (Prerequisite: Space 200)
SPACE 100 – Introduction to the Space Environment & Space Systems
MOOC (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
Space-based operations allow global adversaries to develop and field more lethal and agile military forces by simply leveraging available commercial space resources. This course considers basic orbital mechanics, space and associated terrestrial architecture, and develops a deeper understanding of the military and commercial space environment. Graduates will be able to describe space system requirements; best employment options for available space assets; and weave in ongoing and future commercial and/or military operations and their impact on national objectives.
SPACE 430 – Space Control
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
“Space Control” is a 7-day course designed to develop students’ knowledge of offensive and defensive space control concepts. Graduates of this course will participate in on-line discussions regarding offensive space control operations and how they are used to prevent an adversary’s hostile use of space capabilities. Expanding on this knowledge, the students will be given an opportunity to describe how the adversary gains access to space capabilities to deny, degrade, deceive, disrupt, and destroy space capabilities. Additionally, students will also examine, identify, and describe defensive space control operations. These concepts include understanding defensive space operations conducted to preserve the ability to exploit space capabilities via active and passive actions, while protecting friendly space capabilities from attack, interference, or unintentional hazards. Finally, students will be able to recognize the planning considerations when employing offensive and defensive space control capabilities by reviewing employment implications.
SPACE 310 – Adversary Space Capabilities II
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
China and Russia threaten the ability of nations around the world to deter aggression, protect national interests, and fight and win future conflicts. Simultaneously, the rapidly expanding commercial space industry provides low-cost space capabilities & options for nations and actors across the globe to enter a previously inaccessible domain. China and Russia are developing a wide array of counter-space weapons to hinder international access to essential space services and purposefully interfere with the electromagnetic spectrum. Private industry is developing orbital maintenance and orbital debris removal capabilities which will represent future counterspace threats. This course flows through the Threat Continuum providing required insight to ensure freedom of action in space and, when necessary, defend against threats and deny adversary freedom of action in space. (Prerequisite: Space 300)
SPACE 101 – Introduction to Space Operations Seminar
MOOC (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
Space is no longer the domain of the most technologically advanced countries; people worldwide rely on services provided by, or dependent upon, space assets. National security interests and objectives require commanders to integrate space capabilities, defense, and expertise across all military operations. This course is designed to expose military commanders, and the forces they direct, to the considerations of planning and conducting space operations. The course is implemented as an introduction to concepts and lexicon of space operations, which provides students with the requisite familiarization to support more advanced space training requirements. The basic concepts developed in this course are further explored in our advanced space training curriculum.
SPACE 303 – Anti-Satellite Weapons
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
Space 303 is an asynchronous, self-paced 8-hour course designed to raise student awareness of the different types of anti-satellite systems and their effects. Graduates of this course will be able to describe the characteristics of different types of anti-satellite systems and the effects they have on the space environment.Students will also be able to determine where on the Space Threat Continuum, each type of system is represented.
SPACE 480 – Intelligence Support to Space Operations
Course (Online) by Global Space University · POA · Current
As the space domain continues to become more congested and contested, understanding the operational environment and key military and civilian players involved in this domain will provide a decisive advantage. Intelligence professionals play an integral role in providing evaluated and analyzed information on competitor space capabilities. Similar to other domains, intelligence is required during the mission planning process, the execution of operations, and the post-operation phase to determine operational and geopolitical effects. Knowing a competitors’ capabilities and limitations, force disposition, order of battle and intent can often mean the difference between victory and defeat. Additionally, understanding how environmental factors may impact operations is crucial to effective planning and execution of operations. Intelligence personnel should be relied upon to provide space domain awareness, frequency spectrum usage, intent of international competitors, international force disposition, environmental monitoring, and support to targeting and indications and warning (I&W). In this course, a discussion of processes and products utilized by space intelligence analysts will be discussed and how they are injected into planning and operations. Following a discussion of processes and products, the use of intelligence to support space control operations, both offensive and defensive in nature will be focused on. Lastly, this course will end with a discussion of environmental monitoring followed by the intelligence community and the roles and responsibilities of agencies/organizations that support the space domain.
Introduction to Space ISR for military
Short course (Varies) by Mercury EW Ltd · POA · Current
Introduction to the use of ISR in Space for military planners, practitioners and Defence Staff. Understanding orbital mechanics, satellite communications and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance for military operations in space.
Introduction to the Military Use of Space
Seminar (Varies) by Inzpire · POA · Current
This course aims to provide personnel within military, commercial or government bodies an overview of space-based capabilities, how these capabilities contribute to defence and security operations, how access to those services might be assured and the command, control and co-ordination activities associated with that.
The Use of Space (Long Course)
Short course (Varies) by Inzpire · POA · Current
This course aims to provide key personnel cross-government, commercial or specialist organisations with an in-depth knowledge of the space eco-system and its associated space-based capabilities building on the Inzpire Use of Space short course. It will discuss how those capabilities operate and the services they provide, and how they are integrated and support civil and defence space communities.
The Use of Space (Short Course)
Seminar (Varies) by Inzpire · POA · Current
This course aims to provide key personnel within cross-government, commercial or specialist organisations with an overview of the space domain and space-based capabilities. It will build an understanding of the space eco-system, its importance and the services provided.
Introduction to the Military Use of Space (Executives Course)
Seminar (Varies) by Inzpire · POA · Current
This course aims to provide senior executives within military, commercial or government bodies with an overview of space-based capabilities, how these capabilities contribute to defence and security operations, how access to those services might be assured and the command, control and co-ordination activities associated with that.
The Military Use of Space
Short course (Varies) by Inzpire · POA · Current
This course aims to provide an overview of space-based capabilities, how those capabilities operate, the services associated with them, and how they contribute to defence and security operations.
Signal Processing, Statistics and Analysis
Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current
This short course is a module from the Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc (MESE) it is also shared by Guided Weapons System (GWS) MSc course. It is delivered by Cranfield University on behalf of the Defence College for Military Capability Integration, Defence Academy. This course provides the analytical tools required to describe the signals found in communications and sensor systems and also the techniques employed in such receivers. This course is a foundation module for anyone who is intent on studying communications, radar and electro-optics systems at masters level.
Guided Weapons - MAA-GW
Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current
This course will introduce you to the ‘missile’ and the system; constituent parts of the missile and how they integrate into the complete system; the threat and how it can be countered.
Guided Weapons - Structures, Aeroelasticity and Power Supplies - GWS-SAPS
Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current
This course will cover aspects of guided weapon (GW) design especially involving the key disciplines of structures, vibrations and aeroelasticity and power supplies.
Guided Weapons - Propulsion and Aerodynamics Theory - GWS-PAT
Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current
The objective of the course is to cover the fundamental theory of the subjects of both aerodynamics and propulsion, in order that it may be understood and later applied to real GW system designs.
Guided Weapons Control Theory - GWS-CT
Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current
The course offers a solid foundation of control system theory specifically for guided weapon (GW) systems thus incorporating the key assumptions and challenges surrounding guided weapons.
Guided Weapons - Warheads, Explosives and Materials - GWS-WEM
Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current
This course will help you to understand the importance of warheads and explosives within the context of guided weapon (GW) systems.
Guided Weapons - Propulsion and Aerodynamics Applications - GWS-APA
Short course (Shrivenham) by Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (DAMOD) · POA · Current
This course will give you the grounding and understanding of the fundamental theory of aerodynamics and propulsion to guided weapon systems including detailed worked examples.
Ballistic and Cruise Missile Technology: Introduction
Short course (Online) by Cranfield University · £1850 · Current
Upon completion, you should be able to use the knowledge gained to interpret, evaluate and act upon information received during their work associated with the MTCR.
Displaying all 30 opportunities