European Space Agency (ESA)


European Space Agency (ESA) offers 76 training opportunities:

Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Communications

Short course (Online and Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

A course on the challenges of communicating with a spacecraft and the subsystems involved in communications (both on-board and on the ground): what can go wrong, troubleshooting, and traps to be avoided during operations and testing

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Earth Observation From Space: The Optical View

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and Imperative Space · Free · Current

The course introduces you to the wide range of applications of satellite Earth observation technology. We will focus in particular on the use of data acquired by satellite sensors which use visible light and near infrared radiation – otherwise known as ‘optical’ Earth observation (EO).

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ESA-FAIR Space Radiation School

Short course (Germany) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

An introduction to the problem of space radiation for future long duration missions

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Advanced Course on Space Optics for Professionals: "Spaceborne Lidars"

Short course (Netherlands) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €1000 (~£848) · Past

Provides in depth expert knowledge on designing, developing and qualifying the technologies and subsystems to build a Spaceborne LIDAR

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Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Operations

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

Hands on experience in how ‘driving’ a spacecraft is different from designing it

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Human Space Physiology Training Course

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

A course on human space flight and how the environment of space differs from life on Earth, presenting novel challenges for space exploration

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CubeSats Hands-on Training

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

A course to improve skills in spacecraft hardware and software

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IV ESA EARSEL CNR School: Remote Sensing for Forest Fires

Workshop (Spain) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

Hand on training on of optical and radar sensors for fire hazard estimation, including as Self Organized Maps and Machine Learning

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Space Debris Training Course

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

An introduction to the concept of space debris, why it is necessary to address this problem, and how the mitigation policies set by ESA apply to missions

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Clean Space Training Course

Short course (Online and Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

A course on how to design a satellite that will not generate debris; will remove defunct satellites and debris already in orbit; and will be environmentally friendly. Students will even undertake group projects to learn how to design a “clean” satellite.

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9th Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

Training the next generation of scientists and professionals on remote sensing for land surfaces, with a focus on agriculture

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ESA/JRC International Summer School on GNSS

Short course (Portugal) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €1200-2500 (~£1017) · Current

Enables young satellite-navigation researchers to get all the latest high-level information from renowned scientists and specialists

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ESA SME Training Product Assurance

Workshop (Netherlands) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

A practical overview of the Product Assurance (PA) tasks to be performed throughout a project, specifically in ESA projects

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Advanced Ocean Synergy

Short course (Greece) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

Theory and applications of Ocean Colour Radiometry, Infrared and Passive Microwave Radiometry, Biogeochemical, Sea Surface Temperature, and Sea Surface Salinity retrievals and more

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Short course (Netherlands) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Introduction to basic principles of spacecraft instrumentation for young researchers, scientists and engineers

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Concurrent Engineering Challenge

Workshop (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

Practical experience in using concurrent engineering to create a spacecraft design from a mission brief

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ECSS Product Assurance Standards

Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Learn more about some of the ECSS Product Assurance standards and watch the replays of four training sessions which were delivered on 14 - 16 October 2019 at ESA/ESTEC. They cover the following ECSS disciplines: Q-10 / Q-20 Product and Quality Assurance Q-40 Safety Q-60 EEE Components Q-70 Material, Mechanical parts and processes

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Space Systems Engineering Training Course

Short course (Online and Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

A course on the background and challenges of space systems engineering, the roles of a systems engineer within ESA, and exploring the system engineering process in detail

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Earth Observation Remote Sensing Workshop

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Hands on training on the basics of Remote Sensing, including an overview of ESA’s Earth Observation satellite missions

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Product Assurance Awareness Training

Short course (Online and Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

A course on Product Assurance (PA) and teach them how this is implemented in space projects for ESA and space businesses

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Short course (Sardinia) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €2400 (~£2034) · Current

Training course for professionals operating in the sector of space optical engineering

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PhiWeek Bootcamp

Workshop (Italy) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

5 day sprint in design, prototyping, and testing ideas relating to Earth Observation

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Mapping Crops and their Biophysical Characteristics with Polarimetric SAR and Optical Remote Sensing

Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

This four-part, advanced training built on the previous intermediate webinar series and presented more advanced radar remote sensing techniques using polarimetry to extract crop structural information. It also presented Sen4Stat – an open source system demonstrating the potential of optical and SAR satellite Earth observations for monitoring and reporting of the SDG targets related to agriculture. Sen4Stat also combines Earth observation data with national statistical data sets and surveys to support National Statistical Offices in the uptake of satellite Earth observations for agricultural statistics.

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The Frozen Frontier: Monitoring the Greenland Ice Sheet from Space

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and Imperative Space · Free · Current

This course will provide you with an overview of the role of ice in the climate system and the impact and implications of a warming climate on the Greenland Ice Sheet.

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First ESA-EUMETSAT-CAMS joint training course on Atmospheric Composition

Short course (Romania) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

Training on data and software related to air quality monitoring and societal impact, and upcoming satellite data products and monitoring services

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Technology Transfer, Application & Innovation

Short course (Online and Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

A course on different disciplines within the field of Technology Transfer, Application & Innovation, including patenting, entrepreneurship, and business incubation

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Antennas for Space Applications

Short course (Netherlands) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €500-1200 (~£424) · Past

An overview of design approaches, constraints and technical solutions for space antennas, addressing both theoretical and technological issues

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Standardization Training Course

Short course (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

An introduction to the ECSS and the importance of using standards and the impact they have on the way space activities are implemented. Overview of how and why standards are used in different disciplines at ESA.

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SME Training - EEE components procurement

Workshop (Netherlands) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

An introduction to the pitfalls associated with EEE components procurement and associated costs, project budget and schedule

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Echoes in Space

Course (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

Training on the basics of Radar Remote Sensing and applications of the data

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ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Research Summer School

Short course (Austria) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €450 (~£381) · Current

An overview of the current research under microgravity and hypergravity conditions in Life and Physical Sciences

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Monitoring Climate from Space

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

An introduction to our planet from space and how Earth observation is used to monitor climate change

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Earth Observation Satellite System Design Training Course

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

A course on the end-to-end design of an EO satellite system.

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Introduction to Space Law Training Course

Short course (Online and Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

A course on how law is an integral part in the practical realisation of a space mission from the “cradle to the grave”

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EO from Space: The Cryosphere

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and Imperative Space · Free · Current

In this course we will introduce you to the role of satellite ‘Earth observation’ (EO) technology in monitoring the Earth's Cryosphere and the data it produces.

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Robotics Workshop

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Planetary exploration is a fascinating sector that ESA is investing heavily in, with projects including the pioneering Rosetta mission to a comet, the ambitious Artemis mission to the Moon (constructing the European Service Module), and the cutting-edge Rosalind Franklin rover destined for Mars. The present and future missions of Mars exploration are the inspiration behind the Robotics Workshop. Over four days, participating students will delve into the design and operation of a planetary exploration robotic vehicle based on the European rover that will be sent to investigate the surface of the red planet. Particular attention will be given to software, starting with installing basic components of Linux and ROS (Robot Operating System). Students will then study the locomotion system, developing algorithms that will allow the robot to move. Finally, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence will be utilised to grant the capability of recognising specific objects on the surface of Mars.

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Impact of COVID-19 measures on Atmospheric Composition

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and Imperative Space · Free · Current

The global Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic saw many governments take unprecedented measures to limit the spread of the virus. These measures included a mixture of social distancing, a ban on large gatherings, the closing of schools, universities, restaurants and other non-essential stores, and a reduction in air travel, the closure of borders and other non-essential travel restrictions. Many of these measures have had a significant impact on the anthropogenic emissions in the atmosphere due to the drastic drop in road and air traffic and a strong reduction of industrial activities in non-essential sectors across the globe. To assess these impacts, ESA started the 'Impact study of COVID-19 lockdown measures on air quality and climate' (ICOVAC) project. In this short course you will learn about what this project covered and its findings.

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Space Resources Professional Course

Workshop (Luxembourg) by Luxembourg Space Agency, European Space Agency (ESA), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, and European Space Resources Innovation Centre · €650 (~£551) · Current

This course provides a broad overview of the space resources field, including the current knowledge of available resources in the Solar System; the resource identification, collection, extraction, and processing systems under development; economic and technical feasibility studies; legal, policy, and socio-economic issues; and space exploration architectures and commercial ventures that may be enabled by utilizing extraterrestrial resources. The course culminates with teams of participants developing a space resource utilization plan to identify, extract, and use resources from space.

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ECSS Training - Engineering Standards

Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Learn more about some of the ECSS Engineering standards and watch the replays of six training sessions which were delivered on 11 - 13 June 2019 at ESA/ESTEC. They cover the following ECSS disciplines: E-32 Structures E-31 Thermal E-20 Electric / Electronics E-33 Mechanisms E-60 Control Engineering E-50 Communications

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ECSS Training - Introduction and Various Standards

Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Learn more about the ECSS standardization system and various standards. Watch the replays of seven training sessions which were delivered on 25-28 March 2019 at ESA/ESTEC. They cover the following ECSS disciplines: Level 1 (introductory training) E-10 System Engineering M-Management E-40 Software Engineering Q-80 Software Product Assurance E-70 Ground Systems and Operations U-10 Space Debris Mitigation

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Basic Principles of Radar Backscatter

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

In this course you will get an overview of the most relevant parameters that have an influence on the radar backscatter signal. You will learn what role the configuration of a radar system and the properties of the Earth surface play in the signal that you see in a pixel of a radar image. After this course you will have a solid understanding of what you see in a radar backscatter image. And you will be able to interpret the backscatter signal.

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Land in Focus – Hazards & Disasters

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

Welcome to the ‘Hazards and Disasters’ online courses. In the three MOOCs which are part of it, we will take a closer look at how remote sensing can answer essential questions related to the emergency response that is needed during hazardous events. Thus, disaster management heavily relies on remotely sensed data and their prompt processing in order to support decisions that can a) estimate the extent of a (natural) disaster and b) save lives by scientifically justifiable choices. In the three lessons of this course, we will present different applications of remotely sensed data for disaster monitoring to you. At first, we will take a look at droughts, then dive into mapping flood extents using an interactive cloud-based approach before ending our course with the monitoring of fire hazards.

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Land in Focus – Forest Ecosystems

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

Urbanization is changing our planet. About half of the world’s population already lives in cities. By 2050 that proportion is expected to rise to two-thirds. The loss of vegetation and the sprawl of impervious surfaces that are connected to this process are the cause of many problems societies have to face in the future. On the social level cities in the southern hemisphere are experiencing an uptick in unregulated settling resulting in the sprawl of slums, leaving large amounts of people in dire situations cut off from the most basic needs of daily life. Remote sensing can help to better understand those problems by capturing the changes in urban areas. Besides just visual observations, it also can provide quantification and more detailed information on the impacts of those changes, and thus provide decision-makers with valuable information.

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ESA Learning Hub

Resource (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

The ESA Learning Hub is a web-based platform which provides access to training courses and materials for industry stakeholders and delegations offered in the frame of ESA programmes and initiatives. It is managed by the SME section in ESA’s Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement (D/CIP). The Learning Hub is a central repository for training courses and materials developed in the context of ESA activities which aim to support the development of European industry, complementing industry core knowledge and competences, and, more generally, improve industry competitiveness. The hub can be used by various ESA stakeholders to organise or promote events, training sessions or materials.

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Compliant Cost Rates and Overheads for ESA Projects

Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

This e-learning module contains a recording of the "Compliant Cost Rates and Overheads for ESA Projects" training session given on the occassion of the virtual Industry Space Days 2020. The presentation is an abridged version of the standard training provided.

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Land in Focus – Basics of Remote Sensing

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

This course is part of a series of online learning materials that will give you insights on the potential of remote sensing technologies for applications over land surfaces. Here, you have the chance to learn about a variety of theoretical basics of remote sensing that will give you an understanding of how remote sensing works, and it will enable you to follow along in the more practical courses that will be available on our website in the near future.

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Land in Focus – People, Land, Sustainability

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

What is the global stock take and how can we measure carbon emissions from space, what should you look for when selecting a land cover dataset, and how does land use policy impact our land and can these changes be seen and quantified using remote sensing methods? These and more questions will be answered in the sequence of lessons which are part the ‘People, Land, & Sustainability’ MOOC. This course deals with the transformation caused by humans across the globe and how we quantify these change with the means of earth observation.

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Agricultural Crop Classification with Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Remote Sensing

Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

This five-part, intermediate webinar series focused on the use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) from Sentinel-1 and/or optical imagery from Sentinel-2 to map crop types and assessed their biophysical characteristics. The webinar covered a SAR and optical refresher along with pre-processing and analysis of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data using the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) and Python code written in JupyterLab, a web-based interactive development environment for scientific computing and machine learning. The webinar also covered an operational roadmap for mapping crop type, including best practices for collecting field data to train and validate models for classifying crops on a national level. The final session of this series covered crop biophysical variable retrievals using optical data.

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Understanding Climate Change using Satellite Data

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and University of Twente · Free · Current

Explore cutting-edge technology and learn how to analyse satellite climate data to help measure and mitigate climate change.

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Earth Observation: Disruptive Technology and New Space

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and Imperative Space · Free · Current

This is a short MOOC from ESA which consists of a series of interviews with leading experts across Earth Observation and related technologies. This MOOC also acts as an additional section for the 'Earth Observation from Space: The Optical View' MOOC. The explosion in Earth Observation (EO) data from the Sentinel programme, a new generation of commercial satellites, and emerging constellations of small-sats, has created one of the greatest ‘big data’ challenges in the world today. In this course you will explore technologies such as AI, 3D data visualisation, cloud computing technologies and blockchain, and learn how they are meeting the needs of the ever growing data analytics and data navigation challenges in EO. This short course now includes an extra module on how ESA is responding to the digital trends highlighted in previous modules, and the real-world impact emerging from ESA's Phi innovation strategy.

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Compliant PSS-A forms for ESA projects

Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

This e-learning module contains a recording of the "Compliant PSS-A forms for ESA projects" training session given on the occassion of the virtual Industry Space Days 2020. The presentation is an abridged version of the standard training provided.

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NASGRO Training

Workshop (Netherlands) by European Space Agency (ESA) · $1750 (~£1327) · Past

The NASGRO® fracture mechanics and fatigue crack growth analysis software is distributed as part of the ESACRACK software for application to fracture control verification of structural hardware used on ESA projects. A 3-day training course will be organized, which is based on the NASGRO short course developed and taught by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI, Tx, USA). This training class will also be aimed at ESACRACK users, and include dedicated sessions for the ESALOAD and ESAFATIG modules of ESACRACK. The course is taught using both lectures and hands-on example problems.

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Drought Assessment and Monitoring from Space

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Extensive time-series on vegetation and wealth of operational satellites from space provides ample opportunities to monitor vegetation developments and more and more accurate yield forecast. This MOOC provides an introduction to “Droughts”, answers questions on how it can be quantified, how it can be assessed and monitored from space. The role of cloud computing and (easy) access to satellite will also get attention. No prior knowledge to Earth Observation (EO) is required. The MOOC provides a ‘smooth’ introduction for agricultural scientist, water resources specialist and others who are interested in water and food security and the role EO plays nowadays related to this theme. Every week a new set of movie and short quizzes will be released. The MOOC will be open till the end of November 2022.

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Beyond the Visible – Introduction to Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

In this course, you will learn the basics of imaging spectroscopy. No matter if you are a student or a professional or whatever continent you are from, this course was designed for you and we hope to provide some helpful background information, process understanding and applications that relate to your area of interest or expertise.

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Land in Focus – Agriculture & Food

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

Forests are responsible for supporting essential life processes, from purifying the air we breathe to maintaining healthy soils and clean water sources. Around the world, communities rely on the ecosystem services provided by forests to support their livelihoods. However, deforestation and forest degradation are threatening forest ecosystems worldwide, thus disturbing the climate change mitigation which forests provide, and which we desperately need. Using remote sensing satellites and techniques, we are able to map and monitor forests. This enables us to view changes in forest cover, alert authorities about deforestation events, and monitor the relationship between forests and greenhouse gasses (GHG’s). In this course, you will learn about the drivers of deforestation as well as how satellites and time series disturbance detection methods can identify deforestation events, even in areas masked by clouds. In the final lesson on Biomass Estimation, you will learn why tracking biomass is important, how it’s done, and how to overcome inaccuracies when estimating biomass.

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Winter-Water-Warming: Canadian SAR Applications

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

In this course, we will introduce you to how Canadians research, develop and utilize radar remote sensing technology for mapping and environmental monitoring. In five brief lessons, you will learn about early developments of radar leading to the Canadian RADARSAT program and how Canadian government researchers and managers are currently using satellite radar data in their day-to-day work. After completing this course you will have a better understanding of Canada’s practical needs for and know-how of satellite radar when it comes to meeting the challenges of winter, water, and warming in a very large country.

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Land in Focus – Wet Ecosystems

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

Our planet is diverse and many of our landscapes are heavily impacted by standing or flowing water. Wet ecosystems are considered to be amongst the most productive ones known to mankind. They provide habitat for a rich variety of plants and animals, while additionally playing major roles in global cycles of water, carbon dioxide and other substances that are essential for life, as we know it. Human-induced changes such as drying out wetlands or the impact of anthropogenic climate change are threatening wet ecosystems and require even more attention in the observation of soil moisture as well as global water levels.

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ECOS Self-Training

Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

The ECOS self-training manual has been developed to allow ECOS users to get familiar with software version ECOS 5.3. It is based on a series of hands-on exercises that will allow users to progressively get familiar with the most commonly used features of the application software.

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Alpach Summer School

Short course (Varies) by European Space Agency (ESA), FFG, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), and Austrospace · Free · Current

Hands on group work to design a space mission under the supervision of noted scientific and engineering experts

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Space for Business

Course (Varies) by University of St. Gallen, Nova School of Business, Rotterdam School of Management, and European Space Agency (ESA) · €15000 (~£12716) · Current

The #1 business programme for the NewSpace economy in Europe. This 6-month (part-time) Executive Education programme by 3 top European business schools provides business training for space professionals. Developed with the European Space Agency, it prepares selected professionals and their organizations for the business opportunities and risks of NewSpace, by imparting skills in creating and recognizing innovative business models.

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Space Weather Training Course

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

ESA intends to provide students with an overview and introduction to the space weather domain from a range of perspectives. This will include scientific and technological fundamentals, space weather monitoring, forecasting, modelling, and understanding of its technological impacts along with an outlook toward the domain’s evolution in the future.

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ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy

Short course (Budapest) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €200 (~£170) · Past

One of ECSL’s most successful activities is the ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, which is open to students of all levels of study, as well as a few young professionals already working in space or space-related sectors. The course is now in its 31st year and boasts a large family of alumni around the world.

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ESA Mission Operations Academy

Short course (Darmstadt) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €3,000 (~£2543) · Current

Mission Operations at its best! For the first time, ESA offers this unique 4-day course to bring to life the fascinating world of spacecraft operations with its unique challenges and need for excellent teamwork.

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9th European Space Propulsion Systems Simulation Workshop (ESPSS)

Short course (Netherlands) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free (~£0) · Current

Following the needs of the European Space Propulsion Community, a first workshop on ESPSS was collocated with the ESA Space Propulsion 2012 Conference at Bordeaux. Due to its success and on users’ request, ESA-ESTEC responsible for the ESPSS development is now preparing a 9th ESPSS workshop covering the following topics: Latest improvements of ESPSS v3.8.0 Industrial validation and simulations Problems’ handling and suggestions Next steps after ESPSS v3.8.0

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Land in Focus – Urban Spaces

MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

The hands-on lessons in this course will teach you: How to map urban areas using high-resolution data in Google Earth Engine How to quantify urban heat islands in cities in Google Earth Engine How to visually delineate slum areas How to predict slum areas using an advanced classification algorithm in R for the city of Lagos in Nigeria

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Towards Zero Hunger

MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Towards Zero Hunger will give you insights into the potential of remote sensing technologies to support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger.

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Beyond the Visible – Imaging Spectroscopy for Agricultural Applications

MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

In this course, you will learn how to use imaging spectroscopy data for agricultural applications. No matter if you are a student or a professional or whatever continent you are from, this course was designed for you and we hope to provide some helpful background information, process understanding and applications that relate to your area of interest or expertise.

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Beyond the Visible – EnMAP data access and image preprocessing techniques

MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

In this course, you will learn the principles of hyperspectral image preprocessing and how this workflow is reflected in EnMAP products, get to know the German hyperspectral mission EnMAP in much more detail, and see how you can access EnMAP data, and order new acquisitions. No matter if you are a student or a professional or whatever continent you are from, this course was designed for you and we hope to provide some helpful background information, process understanding and guidance on how to access the world as seen by EnMAP.

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Land in Focus – Dry Ecosystems

MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

In these lessons, you will learn about the meaning of invasive species for vulnerable ecosystems and how to monitor them in a savanna environment using time series data. Further, you will gain insights into the distribution of woody vegetation and how this vegetation type, typical for dry landscapes, can be mapped using multi-temporal microwave data.

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Satellite Communication Systems Training Course

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

Living in a world without global connectivity seems nowadays unlikely, just think about how big secure communication, satellite broadcasting, search and rescue and mobile networks are. Satellite Communication technologies empower us to navigate with precision, explore the cosmos, monitor Earth's changes, provide healthcare remotely, optimize transportation logistics, disseminate knowledge widely, and ultimately propel innovation and societal progress across multifaceted dimensions. It is of utmost importance to foster a more resilient and safer connectivity system for the Europe of tomorrow. Through lectures and short exercises, students will learn about topics such as End-to-End Satellite Communication Systems Principles, Antenna Systems, Telecommunications Market, Optical Systems and Technologies, and Satellite Communication Applications. They will also have the opportunity to have a guided tour of the ESEC in Redu and will thus be able to figure out what they have learned on-site.

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Concurrent Engineering Workshop

Workshop (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

Practical experience in using concurrent engineering to create a spacecraft design from a mission brief

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CubeSat Concurrent Engineering Workshop

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

Guided by ESA systems engineers, the students will learn about concurrent engineering and its benefits, gaining first-hand experience with the Concurrent Model-based Engineering Tool (COMET) and identifying design drivers. To make the most of this experience, the selected students will follow a two-hour COMET tutorial to allow them to become familiar with the tool the week before the workshop.

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Cubes & Clouds

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

This course teaches the concepts of data cubes, cloud platforms, and open science in the context of earth observation.

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Space for International Development Assistance

MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and Imperative Space · Free · Current

The 'MOOC' examines the benefits of Earth Observation (EO) for International Development Assistance (IDA). It features contributions and perspectives from leading voices in development from the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Space Agency (ESA) and client countries. It shows examples of data, applications and new capabilities under the Space for IDA cooperation agreement and stemming from the previous EO4SD partnership between ESA, the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, as well as related initiatives.

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ESA ESoA Course on Antennas for Satellite Applications

Short course (Netherlands) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €550-1,100 (~£466) · Current

The aim of the course is to provide an overview on Antennas for Satellite Applications covering main antenna architectures, design approaches, constraints and technical solutions. New trends, challenging and emerging satellite missions are also presented. Both theoretical and technological issues are covered. This year we celebrate the 10th edition of this course that has been attended so far by more than 300 participants. All the speakers are working at the European Space Agency; their experience covers several topics including antennas, electromagnetism, numerical modelling, manufacturing and testing, thermal & mechanical aspects.

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Navigation Training Course

Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Price unknown · Current

University students will be provided with an introduction and overview of Satellite Navigation with a specific focus on Galileo. Designed by ESA experts who developed the Galileo Space and Ground Segments, this training course will provide students with fundamental knowledge of Galileo’s architecture, tools, services, and functionalities. The training course will include lectures and hands-on practical group exercises together with a tour of key Galileo in-orbit test facilities in ESEC which provide an essential part of the current Galileo Ground Segment.

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