Space training opportunities

623 training opportunities for the UK and European space sectors, last updated 7 September 2024. Curated by Space Skills Alliance.



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    Land in Focus – Dry Ecosystems

    MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

    In these lessons, you will learn about the meaning of invasive species for vulnerable ecosystems and how to monitor them in a savanna environment using time series data. Further, you will gain insights into the distribution of woody vegetation and how this vegetation type, typical for dry landscapes, can be mapped using multi-temporal microwave data.

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    Beyond the Visible – Imaging Spectroscopy for Agricultural Applications

    MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

    In this course, you will learn how to use imaging spectroscopy data for agricultural applications. No matter if you are a student or a professional or whatever continent you are from, this course was designed for you and we hope to provide some helpful background information, process understanding and applications that relate to your area of interest or expertise.

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    Towards Zero Hunger

    MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

    Towards Zero Hunger will give you insights into the potential of remote sensing technologies to support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger.

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    Land in Focus – Urban Spaces

    MOOC (Online) by EO College and European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

    The hands-on lessons in this course will teach you: How to map urban areas using high-resolution data in Google Earth Engine How to quantify urban heat islands in cities in Google Earth Engine How to visually delineate slum areas How to predict slum areas using an advanced classification algorithm in R for the city of Lagos in Nigeria

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    Modeling Forest Aboveground Biomass using EO Data and Machine Learning: Challenges and Opportunities

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    Miombo woodland ecosystems (in Africa) play a vital role in the global carbon cycle, however, it is currently difficult to know how much carbon they store and sequester due to a lack of data. Therefore, an accurate estimation of forest above ground biomass (AGB) is required to provide the baseline of forest carbon stocks and quantify the anthropogenic emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation. In addition, accurate estimation of forest AGB is critical to implementing cost-effective carbon emission mitigation strategies.

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    Vegetation and Forest Cover Applications

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    Vegetation is essential in the global terrestrial ecosystem since it provides ecosystem services such as protecting the land surface, modifying the local climate, and conserving biodiversity. The structure of vegetation substantially influences ecosystem function and productivity. Scientists report that vegetation structure correlates with biophysical parameters such as aboveground biomass (AGB) and primary productivity. Therefore, detailed quantification of vegetation structure is crucial for assessing the structure and functioning of ecosystems.

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    Geospatial Machine Learning for Mapping Urban Land Cover in Earth Engine

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    The purpose of this course is to explore Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 image collection in GEE. We will compile quarterly multi-seasonal Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 imagery collection scenes acquired between January and October 2020. Quarterly multi-seasonal composite imagery comprises composites for the rainy (January – March), post-rainy (April-June), and dry season (July-October) for Harare, which is going to be the case study.

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    Data-centric Explainable Machine Learning for Land Cover Mapping

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    In this course, explainable machine learning refers to the extent to which the underlying mechanism of a machine learning model can be explained (Biecek and Burzykowski 2020). That is, explainable machine learning models allow us (humans) to explain what the model learned and how it made predictions (post-hoc). Note this is different from interpretable machine learning (e.g., linear and logistic regression models), which refers to the extent to which a cause and effect are observed within a model (Molnar 2019).

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    Land in Focus – Wet Ecosystems

    MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

    Our planet is diverse and many of our landscapes are heavily impacted by standing or flowing water. Wet ecosystems are considered to be amongst the most productive ones known to mankind. They provide habitat for a rich variety of plants and animals, while additionally playing major roles in global cycles of water, carbon dioxide and other substances that are essential for life, as we know it. Human-induced changes such as drying out wetlands or the impact of anthropogenic climate change are threatening wet ecosystems and require even more attention in the observation of soil moisture as well as global water levels.

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    Monitoring croplands using Data Assimilation (DA) techniques

    Resource (Online) by National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) · Free · Current

    Training materials developed for an Earth Observation, Crop Modelling & Data Assimilation workshop

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    Winter-Water-Warming: Canadian SAR Applications

    MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

    In this course, we will introduce you to how Canadians research, develop and utilize radar remote sensing technology for mapping and environmental monitoring. In five brief lessons, you will learn about early developments of radar leading to the Canadian RADARSAT program and how Canadian government researchers and managers are currently using satellite radar data in their day-to-day work. After completing this course you will have a better understanding of Canada’s practical needs for and know-how of satellite radar when it comes to meeting the challenges of winter, water, and warming in a very large country.

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    Land in Focus – Agriculture & Food

    MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

    Forests are responsible for supporting essential life processes, from purifying the air we breathe to maintaining healthy soils and clean water sources. Around the world, communities rely on the ecosystem services provided by forests to support their livelihoods. However, deforestation and forest degradation are threatening forest ecosystems worldwide, thus disturbing the climate change mitigation which forests provide, and which we desperately need. Using remote sensing satellites and techniques, we are able to map and monitor forests. This enables us to view changes in forest cover, alert authorities about deforestation events, and monitor the relationship between forests and greenhouse gasses (GHG’s). In this course, you will learn about the drivers of deforestation as well as how satellites and time series disturbance detection methods can identify deforestation events, even in areas masked by clouds. In the final lesson on Biomass Estimation, you will learn why tracking biomass is important, how it’s done, and how to overcome inaccuracies when estimating biomass.

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    Agricultural Crop Classification with Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Remote Sensing

    Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

    This five-part, intermediate webinar series focused on the use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) from Sentinel-1 and/or optical imagery from Sentinel-2 to map crop types and assessed their biophysical characteristics. The webinar covered a SAR and optical refresher along with pre-processing and analysis of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data using the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) and Python code written in JupyterLab, a web-based interactive development environment for scientific computing and machine learning. The webinar also covered an operational roadmap for mapping crop type, including best practices for collecting field data to train and validate models for classifying crops on a national level. The final session of this series covered crop biophysical variable retrievals using optical data.

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    Land in Focus – People, Land, Sustainability

    MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

    What is the global stock take and how can we measure carbon emissions from space, what should you look for when selecting a land cover dataset, and how does land use policy impact our land and can these changes be seen and quantified using remote sensing methods? These and more questions will be answered in the sequence of lessons which are part the ‘People, Land, & Sustainability’ MOOC. This course deals with the transformation caused by humans across the globe and how we quantify these change with the means of earth observation.

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    Land in Focus – Basics of Remote Sensing

    MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

    This course is part of a series of online learning materials that will give you insights on the potential of remote sensing technologies for applications over land surfaces. Here, you have the chance to learn about a variety of theoretical basics of remote sensing that will give you an understanding of how remote sensing works, and it will enable you to follow along in the more practical courses that will be available on our website in the near future.

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    Land in Focus – Forest Ecosystems

    MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and EO College · Free · Current

    Urbanization is changing our planet. About half of the world’s population already lives in cities. By 2050 that proportion is expected to rise to two-thirds. The loss of vegetation and the sprawl of impervious surfaces that are connected to this process are the cause of many problems societies have to face in the future. On the social level cities in the southern hemisphere are experiencing an uptick in unregulated settling resulting in the sprawl of slums, leaving large amounts of people in dire situations cut off from the most basic needs of daily life. Remote sensing can help to better understand those problems by capturing the changes in urban areas. Besides just visual observations, it also can provide quantification and more detailed information on the impacts of those changes, and thus provide decision-makers with valuable information.

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    Endangered Archaeology: Using Remote Sensing to Protect Cultural Heritage

    MOOC (Online) by FutureLearn, University of Leicester, Durham University, University of Oxford, and British Council · Free · Current

    Discover how to use satellite imagery to identify and assess endangered archaeological sites in the Middle East and North Africa.

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    EO from Space: The Cryosphere

    MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and Imperative Space · Free · Current

    In this course we will introduce you to the role of satellite ‘Earth observation’ (EO) technology in monitoring the Earth's Cryosphere and the data it produces.

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    The Frozen Frontier: Monitoring the Greenland Ice Sheet from Space

    MOOC (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) and Imperative Space · Free · Current

    This course will provide you with an overview of the role of ice in the climate system and the impact and implications of a warming climate on the Greenland Ice Sheet.

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    Mapping Crops and their Biophysical Characteristics with Polarimetric SAR and Optical Remote Sensing

    Seminar (Online) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Current

    This four-part, advanced training built on the previous intermediate webinar series and presented more advanced radar remote sensing techniques using polarimetry to extract crop structural information. It also presented Sen4Stat – an open source system demonstrating the potential of optical and SAR satellite Earth observations for monitoring and reporting of the SDG targets related to agriculture. Sen4Stat also combines Earth observation data with national statistical data sets and surveys to support National Statistical Offices in the uptake of satellite Earth observations for agricultural statistics.

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    Ecosystems for the Future: Harnessing space technology for sustainable land

    Seminar (Online) by Satellite Applications Catapult · Free · Past

    This event, hosted by the Satellite Applications Catapult in partnership with Devex, will look at the opportunities for using geospatial technology and data in supporting evidence-based decision making for sustainable land use. It will also explore the role of businesses more broadly and their role in advancing nature-centred approaches – including their role in protecting, restoration, and managing the natural ecosystems they work in. Tags

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    Imagery Analysis of Industrial Installations

    Short course (Spain) by European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) · €1200 (~£1017) · Current

    The aim of this course, is to provide imagery analysis training for the interpretation of selected industrial installations using satellite and aerial imagery. Industrial facilities and topics include the extraction and processing of raw materials to support strategic industries, such as coke, iron and steel, and the production essential utilities such as water treatment and electrical power. The course comprises of two one-week modules with theoretical lessons supported by guided and unguided practical imagery exercises.

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    Geospatial technology in the agri-food sector

    Seminar (St Austell) by South West Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications (SWCoESA) · Free · Past

    We invite farmers, agricultural service providers, government agencies, research institutes, data providers, digital businesses and others to engage in a one-day event to explore the opportunities for geospatial technology in the agri-food sector. Geolocation services, satellite communications and earth observation techniques have the potential to transform the way we grow, harvest and distribute food across the UK and around the world. Businesses will showcase their use of geospatial technologies and share their vision for how the agri-food sector could achieve greater growth at lower cost and impact on the environment. Hear from stakeholders with unique perspectives on the challenges facing the agri-food sector and their call to businesses to provide technological solutions. Join our facilitated session to identify opportunities in the agri-food sector to innovate, before learning about the leading R&D taking place in research institutes across the SW, and how you can get involved.

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    Solving Social Challenges in Mining Using Space Tech – Spark Session

    Seminar (Online) by Satellite Applications Catapult · Free · Past

    The UK Space Agency has funded the Satellite Applications Catapult to conduct a series of Spark Sessions across the UK to explore how space technology can add value across a range of sectors and challenge areas. These sessions explore high value opportunities sourced directly from the sector communities, and engage those communities, along with satellite technology experts, to prioritise and develop these into areas for future collaborative technology development. This session is focused on the Social Challenges of Mining, and we invite you, as the expert community, to join the discussion surrounding two broad themes: - Illegal, unregulated and artisanal mining - Community engagement and trust Participants will have the opportunity to join the conversation and shed light on the reality of these challenges in sessions facilitated by our extractives industries and user centred design teams.

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    9th Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing

    Short course (Belgium) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Free · Past

    Training the next generation of scientists and professionals on remote sensing for land surfaces, with a focus on agriculture

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    Space Enabled Applications in the Mining Sector

    Seminar (Penryn) by South West Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications (SWCoESA) · Free · Past

    Information from satellite technologies has been used to facilitate exploration for natural resources for many years. The quality, availability and accessibility of data continues to grow as space technology improves. This mining sector event aims to introduce you to key staff from the Satellite Applications Catapult who will discuss how satellite technologies could provide a platform for new collaborations.

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    Copernicus YouTube Channel

    Resource (Online) by Copernicus · Free · Current

    Training videos, presentations, and demonstrations on the Copernicus programme

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