Space training opportunities
645 training opportunities for the UK and European space sectors, last updated 17 February 2025. Curated by Space Skills Alliance.
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Found 32 training opportunities
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Space Applications Learning Hub: Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT)
Course (Online) by Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN), Space Professionals, Geospatial Ventures Limited, and Space Skills Alliance · Free
This course is part of the wider Space Applications Learning Hub (SALHUB) training courses which will deliver expert-led training modules in systems engineering, data/artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) and commercial operations across positioning, navigation and timing (PNT), Earth observation (EO/GIS) and satellite communications (SatComms). PNT enables all aspects of everyday life, from smartphone apps to enabling critical infrastructure such as communications and power networks. PNT is a growing area and our courses are designed for anyone considering moving into a sector using PNT, anyone who has just made that move, or indeed those wanting new insights and to deepen PNT skills. Courses will be offered at foundation and intermediate level. The foundation courses will provide a vital bedrock of awareness and knowledge needed by everyone involved in using or specifying positioning or timing as part of a system or application. Intermediate level courses go deeper, into system engineering design, data analytics for PNT systems and how to interpret and apply PNT data, including use of AI/ML techniques. This course will address how to write positioning and timing system specifications for any use case, best practices for resilient PNT, a review of data sources, types of data and outputs from positioning and timing systems, interpretation and analysis of PNT data and a special module on timing. There will be modules on bringing everything together into a system-of-systems capable of performing resiliently. We will also cover how to track and maintain performance for your use case, flagging issues and how to plan to address them.
Satellite 101: Position, Navigation and Timing
Resource (Online) by Satellite Applications Catapult · Free
A series of short videos explaining some of the applications of satellite technology, how they can be beneficial and ways of incorporating these into business.
Navigation Training Course
Short course (Redu) by European Space Agency (ESA) · Price unknown
University students will be provided with an introduction and overview of Satellite Navigation with a specific focus on Galileo. Designed by ESA experts who developed the Galileo Space and Ground Segments, this training course will provide students with fundamental knowledge of Galileo’s architecture, tools, services, and functionalities. The training course will include lectures and hands-on practical group exercises together with a tour of key Galileo in-orbit test facilities in ESEC which provide an essential part of the current Galileo Ground Segment.
Digitalisation in Space Research
MOOC (Online) by Technische Universität München (TUM) · Free
This course provides an overview of the most important digital applications in the field of aerospace research. The course instructors discuss how digitalisation is impacting and changing both satellite-based and manned spaceflight research. One unit is specifically devoted to exploring the use of artificial intelligence in the evaluation of satellite data.
GNSS Systems
Short course (Online) by Space Economy Academy · €360 (~£305)
Course developed in collaboration with RHEA to provide you with fundamentals of GNSS principles and technologies, including an overview of the major augmentation systems.
Basic PNT Course
Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $299 (~£228)
Welcome to the Nova Space Basic PNT Course. In this course, you will be serving as a project manager that has been tasked with developing a GPS augmentation space system to provide improved signal in the Northern polar region. While the main focus of the course centers around PNT services, you will work with your various team members to make decisions regarding orbit design, bus options, and satellite operations to ensure that the customer requirements are being met while learning how decisions in one area can affect other aspects of the project. With the knowledge received in this course, you will be able to effectively speak to and understand topics related to PNT, which is one of the largest space service sectors.
Introduction to GNSS and its Applications
Short course (Guildford) by SSTL · POA
Provide an overview of the GNSS systems, usages and potential future trends. Outlining the exploitation of GNSS systems in LEO, MEO and GEO orbits.
Empowering IoT innovation with Galileo technology
MOOC (Online) by Point.IoT · Free
Whether you are new to the game or an established IoT or Galileo entrepreneur, it’s time to take your idea to the next level. This tailor-made MOOC will guide you through the business and technical development of your IoT products and services. From business model design to positioning in our connected world, European industry experts share their knowledge and skills with you across 14 on-demand training sessions
GPS Operations: DGPS, GPS Signals and Processing
Short course (Online) by NavtechGPS · $2899 (~£2198)
This 3-day course skips the fundamentals altogether and dives right into a discussion of differential GPS, which continues throughout the week, together with an in-depth look at GPS signal processing, navigation message content, code tracking and receivers and concludes with Kalman filtering basics.
Applied Kalman Filtering with Emphasis on GPS Aided Systems
Short course (Varies) by NavtechGPS · POA
This is a highly intensive 4-day short course on Kalman filtering theory and Kalman filtering applications. Included is a discussion of linear, extended, unscented, and square root Kalman filters and their practical applications to real-time strapdown navigation and target tracking. Exposure to Information filters, 2nd and 3rd order extended Kalman filters, particle filters, integrity monitoring, and methods of smoothing is included. Emphasis is on practical applications, but sufficient supporting theory is provided for further research. Designed for engineers who need a working knowledge of Kalman filtering or who work in the fields of navigation or target tracking.
GPS/GNSS Awareness
Workshop (Varies) by Survey Training · POA
The course is designed for professionals and any others who need to be able to understand how GPS/GNSS systems work and how they can be used in the Surveying, Construction, Utility and GIS Industries. Little or no previous experience is required, but some basic understanding of the need to position points for data collection.
GPS Fundamentals and Enhancements
Short course (Online) by NavtechGPS · $1499 (~£1136)
This two-day introductory level course offers an overview of how the global positioning system works. It covers GPS/GNSS fundamentals and principles and technologies, including signals, clocks and timing, orbits and constellations, and satellites and control segment function.
GPS/GNSS Operation for Engineers and Technical Professionals: Principles, Technology, Applications and Intro to DGPS Concepts
Short course (Online) by NavtechGPS · $2899 (~£2198)
This is a technical foundation course. During this four-day course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of GPS/GNSS system concepts, design and operation, including information on GPS signal processing by the receiver, techniques by which GPS obtains position, velocity and time, code tracking, antennas, receiver impairments and enhancements, nav algorithms, and an introduction to differential GPS (DGPS) and Kalman filtering, to bring you quickly up to speed on GNSS operation.
Your Business Powered by Space - Frontiers of GNSS Applications
Seminar (Online) by GRACE (University of Nottingham) · Past · Free
We are pleased to invite you our second seminar in the ' Your Business Powered by Space' series. On March 10th, we will hear from Matthew Alcock, Samuel Christelow and Lei Zhao about the GNSS techniques and its applications.
GPS and DGPS Operation for Engineers and Technical Professionals: Principles, Technology, Applications and DGPS concepts
Short course (Online) by NavtechGPS · $2899 (~£2198)
This five-day course offers a comprehensive introduction to GPS and DGPS technology, system concepts, design, operation, implementation and applications, including detailed information on the GPS signal, receiver processing, and the techniques by which GPS obtains position, velocity and time. This course builds on Course 346 by adding a full day of Differential GPS and two additional hours of Kalman filtering.
Applied GNSS and Geodesy
Course (Glasgow) by University of Glasgow · POA
This course introduces Applied Geodesy and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), with a focus on positioning - including hands-on practical experience of collecting and processing data. It also details co-ordinate reference systems and gives an overview of other satellite geodesy techniques.
High Precision GNSS using Post-Processing
Short course (Newcastle) by University of Newcastle · Past · £650
Explore in detail the various GNSS error sources that inhibit precise coordinate determination and examine ways of mitigating these errors using additional data and methods available in post-processing mode
GPS Fundamentals, Enhancement and Intro to Differential GPS
Short course (Online) by NavtechGPS · $1499 (~£1191)
This three-day course gives you a comprehensive introduction to GPS technology and an introduction to differential GPS (DGPS).
GNSS Survey and Data Processing
Short course (Varies) by korec · £1650
A course designed to provide those new to GNSS survey with a good all round introduction to the background theory, practice issues and the use of GNSS (GPS) technology for installing Control, general topographic surveying and setting out tasks. The course comprises a mix of field work and classroom sessions. FastStatic (post processed), RTK and VRS Now survey methodologies are all utilised within the course. Trimble Business Center provides the data processing environment.
ESA/JRC International Summer School on GNSS
Short course (Kiruna) by European Space Agency (ESA) · €1200-2500 (~£1017)
Enables young satellite-navigation researchers to get all the latest high-level information from renowned scientists and specialists
GPS/GNSS Awareness
Workshop (Birmingham and Varies) by Coordinated Training Services · £280
Hands on experience on using GNSS equipment and the processing of the data
Securing Positioning and Timing
Short course (Edinburgh) by Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) · Past · £95
Understanding satellite navigation threats and steps to toughen and augment your system
RIN Webinar Series
MOOC (Online) by Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) · Free
Playlists of RIN webinars on PNT and related topics.
Resilient PNT Training
Seminar (Online and London) by Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) · Free
This training seminar will cover an introduction to why positioning, navigation and timing systems are vulnerable, review recent events and impacts, including a real-world interference motivation review and examples.
Inertial Systems, Kalman Filtering and GPS/INS Intergration
Short course (Online) by NavtechGPS · $3299 (~£2501)
This five-day course on GNSS-aided navigation teaches the integration of inertial sensors and GPS systems. It includes the fundamental concepts and practical implementations of the types of Kalman filters that optimally fuse GPS receiver measurements with strapdown inertial navigation solutions. The course includes the fundamentals of inertial navigation, inertial instrument technologies, technology surveys and trends, integration architectures, practical Kalman filter design techniques, case studies, and MATLAB demonstrations and more, see details
Satellite Communications and Navigation: Technologies, Markets and Applications
Short course (Oxford) by University of Oxford · £1,650
Complete introductory overview of satellite communications and navigation.
Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) Masterclass
Seminar (Truro) by Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) and Truro and Penwith College · Past · Free
The primary objective of the workshop will be to raise awareness and understanding of the performance and limitations of positioning and timing systems; and to provide information on steps to take to improve performance and resilience. In addition, the workshop will include a look at positioning and timing sources including new approaches such as low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellite constellations and other “sensors of opportunity” such as cameras and audio.
GNSS and Network RTK
Course (Newcastle) by University of Newcastle · Past · £965
This course introduces you to the theory and practice of using Network RTK GNSS for centimetre-level positioning. Developed in association with Ordnance Survey.
Satellite 101 Webinar: Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT)
Seminar (Portsmouth and Online) by Satellite Applications Catapult · Past · Free
As part of the UKSA funded Space Enterprise Ecosystem Development Project, the Satellite Applications Catapult and Grey Consultants are collaborating with the South Coast Satellite Applications Centre of Excellence to provide a hybrid webinar on Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT). At the event, Andy Grey, Director of Grey Consultants, will introduce PNT followed by a presentation from a local PNT-enabled business, Sonardyne. The aim of this webinar is to provide an introduction to PNT, the role of satellite systems, and how these interact with uncrewed robotic platforms and their navigation systems. Our predominant focus in this session will be on the marine and maritime sectors. Marine and maritime robotics are transforming how we operate at sea and ensuring these systems, and those controlling them, have awareness of their surroundings is essential to successful operations.
GNSS Signal Structure and Processing
Workshop (Nottingham) by GRACE (University of Nottingham) · Past · Free
Provide a comprehensive review of all the key aspects of Galileo signal structure including signal modulation, coding, data and performance. This will provide participants with a good grounding in not only the fine details of the Galileo signal set but also the reasons behind the signal choices and implications for GNSS receivers.
GPS Operation for Engineers and Technical Professionals: Principles, Technology, Applications and Intro to DGPS Concepts
Short course (Varies) by NavtechGPS · POA
This 3-day course begins with a discussion of differential GPS, which continues through the rest of the week together with an in-depth look at GPS signal processing, navigation message content, code tracking, receivers and concludes with a discussion on the basics of Kalman filtering.
GNSS Systems and Technology
Short course (Nottingham) by Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) · Past · Free
A two day training course in GNSS from fundamentals to advanced topics. This training is ideal for newcomers to the technology or for people who would like to refresh/update their knowledge. Particularly suitable for professionals operating in the positioning and navigation sector, systems engineers, electronic engineers, software design engineers, surveyors and aerospace engineers.
Displaying all 32 opportunities