Space training opportunities

623 training opportunities for the UK and European space sectors, last updated 7 September 2024. Curated by Space Skills Alliance.



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    Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities

    Seminar (Online) by UNOOSA · Free (~£0) · Current

    The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) has developed an introductory e-learning course, which provides an overview of the Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities (LTS Guidelines). The e-learning tool is free and open to anyone who wishes to know more on the long-term sustainability of outer space activities and the LTS Guidelines. The 60-minute interactive training consists of 26 lessons, touching upon the essential role of space activities, the growing space sector and the associated challenges, the preamble and the 21 Guidelines of the LTS Guidelines.

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    Short course (Strasbourg) by International Space University (ISU) · €2000 (~£1695) · Current

    The impact of economic activities on the environment on the largest scales has become increasingly prominent over the recent decades. The present and expected costs of the global changes prompt governments, international organizations, public opinions, and interest groups to push to reduce their environmental and societal footprint through self- and externally-imposed regulations. The space sector is no exception. Both the public-sponsored and private-led activities must justify and reduce their negative impacts, abide by national and international regulations, and develop industrial processes that take into account future costs and taxes. Interestingly, the space sector has long been aware of the damage that careless activities can have, whether it is about telecommunications or collision risks in low-Earth orbits. On the other hand, space activities and in particular space-based Earth observations are critical to the understanding, monitoring, and mitigation of the human-caused and natural modifications and dangers of the planet’s climate and geological parameters. The monitoring of greenhouse gas atmospheric content, hydro- and cryosphere evolution, accidental and criminal pollutant releases into the environment, is crucial to make predictions, advising the decision-makers, and preventing harmful activities. In this 9-day course, experts and actors of the space sector will explain how companies and space agencies tackle their environmental and societal responsibilities; how they design and conduct the Life Cycle Assessment of their products, through initiatives such as the ESA EcoDesign or at Airbus; and the research that is conducted on propellants, recycling, and company processes to reduce their footprint. Researchers will present the methodology, capacities, limitations, and technical developments of Earth observations and their contribution to agriculture, emergency mapping and management, and law enforcement. The participants will also learn about the current and to-be-expected political and legal constraints, from international lecturers of space agencies, academia, and the industry, involved in the definition and promotion of a sustainable space sector.

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    Space Sustainability for the Next Century

    Seminar (Online) by Satellite Applications Catapult · Free · Past

    This webinar will present several concepts on the subject of ‘Sustainability for Space’ and ensuring space is kept clean and accessible for the next century. A panel will discuss and debate the opportunities and challenges of such concepts. Participants are invited to pitch a single slide, lightning talk on a concept relating to space sustainability for discussion and debate.

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    Business Horizons Tech Talk: United in Sustainability

    Seminar (Online) by Exotopic · Free · Past

    Sustainability within any industry has always been important, but is increasingly becoming an essential part of any successful business and sector. The space industry must think, and act, both for a sustainable space environment and space supply chain. In this webinar, we discuss the sustainability advantages and challenges brought by the space sector and how businesses can benefit from a shared sustainability strategy and narrative.

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    Safety in Space : A New Frontier?

    Seminar (London) by Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS) · Free · Past

    This Evening Forum, jointly organised by the Chairs of the Safety and Reliability Society and the hazards Forum, will provide perspectives on how the challenges of ensuring a safe launch from UK space ports could be managed.

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    How can satellite technology help support business sustainability?

    Seminar (Online) by Satellite Applications Catapult · Free · Past

    Join us to find out how satellite technology and geospatial intelligence can be used by businesses to help them progress on their sustainability goals. Also hear about ways space-tech and green-tech could be integrated to provide new solutions for sustainable businesses.

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    Sustainability in Space? Could Safety Cases Help

    Seminar (Online) by Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS) · Free · Past

    The growth of satellites in orbit has been matched by a growth in orbital debris. With the recent increase in mega constellations, the importance of taking a sustainable approach to space operations is increasingly a priority. Since the earliest days of space activity, international agreements such as the Outer Space Treaty, national laws and licensing, and of course standards and guidance have all played a part in ensuring that a balanced approach is taken to space operations. But what else can be learnt from other sectors ? This talk will explore what aspects of the ground based regulatory environment in the UK could be usefully applied to a hypothetical Safety Case in Space approach. Considering a generic low earth orbit mid-sized satellite, the pros and cons of a potential safety case informed approach will be explored for a full lifecycle in orbit operation, from deployment through to de-orbiting.

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