Space training opportunities

605 training opportunities for the UK and European space sectors, last updated 27 July 2024. Curated by Space Skills Alliance.



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    Intro to Space Tourism

    Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $49 (~£38) · Current

    In this course, you will get an introduction to the field of space tourism and some of the challenges associated with sending tourists to space. Companies like Blue Origin, SpaceX and Virgin are all at the cutting edge of space tourism. Take this course to learn about a potentially revolutionary sector of the future space industry!

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    Nova Space Foundations Course Bundle

    Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $799 (~£621) · Current

    This course bundle includes the Space Environment and Electromagnetic Spectrum Course, the Introduction to Orbits Course, the Rocket Science and Space Launch Course, the Space Systems Engineering Course and the Space Mission Areas and Capabilities Course. Upon completion of each course, you will receive a Credly digital credential that you can add to your professional profile on social media or elsewhere.

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    GEO Servicing Satellite

    Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $49 (~£38) · Current

    Welcome to the exciting and innovative technology of servicing satellites! In this course, you will learn how companies are revolutionizing the way in which space logistics are being employed to support the space ecosystem. With this technology, companies are now able to prolong the operational lifespans of their satellites on orbit as well as design new systems that are capable of remaining in orbit far longer than systems of the past. Understanding this emerging space service sector will give you a unique insight into one of the fastest growing sections of the space industry.

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    LEO Communications Systems

    Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $49 (~£38) · Current

    In this course, you will be introduced to concepts regarding communications satellites in Low Earth Orbit. Your customer has tasked you with finding a system that provides low latency communications and can do so persistently in your area. You will learn about factors that must be taken into consideration when designing a communications satellite system in LEO, different providers of satellite communications in LEO, and how communications systems in LEO differ from traditional communications satellites in GEO. Understanding these concepts will allow you to more effectively navigate the growing sector of LEO communication satellites.

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    Nova Space Interactive Story Bundle

    Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $799 (~£621) · Current

    This course bundle includes the Basic Remote Sensing Course, Basic Satellite Communications Course, and the Basic PNT Course.

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    Basic Satellite Communications Course

    Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $299 (~£232) · Current

    Welcome to the Basic Communications Satellite Course by Nova Space. In this interactive journey, you will be given a list of customer requirements and tasked with designing a communications satellite system. You will make decisions regarding payload design, orbit design, launch, and satellite operations to ensure that the satellite system meets your customer's needs. Through making these decisions, you will gain insight into the tradespace involved with designing a space system. For example, making a decision regarding orbit design will impact your payload in a certain way. The knowledge gained from this course will give you a better understanding of the many factors that go into designing and operating a communications spacecraft.

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    Space Environment and Electromagnetic Radiation Theory Course

    Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $199 (~£155) · Current

    Welcome to Nova Space’s Space Environment and Electromagnetic Radiation Theory Course. In this course, you will learn about the hostile environment of space and why it is such a difficult and complex task to design a spacecraft that can survive in such an environment. You will also learn about the characteristics of Electromagnetic waves and how they interact with matter, a concept that will help you better understand how the electromagnetic spectrum can be used to observe or collect data on a wide range of subjects.

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    Space Mission Areas and Capabilities Course

    Short course (Online) by Nova Space · $199 (~£155) · Current

    Welcome to the Nova Space, Space Mission Areas and Capabilities Course. In this course, you will learn about the many ways in which humanity uses space to our benefit. Topics covered in this course include: Remote sensing, PNT, Environmental Monitoring, Satellite Communications, Scientific Research, Commercial uses of space and Military uses of space. Having an understanding of the capabilities in the space industry will make you a more articulate and confident contributor to the space industry.

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    Earth Observation & Geospatial Analysis: from satellite to end-user

    Short course (Online) by Spaceway · €179 (~£151) · Past

    This Crash Course has the goal of providing the participants with knowledge in Earth Observation, from satellite to image to information delivery with application to agriculture and biodiversity. You will learn about remote sensing techniques, geospatial analysis, GIS, Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and all the potential value of these technologies for Earth applications.

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    Concurrent Engineering Summer School (CESS)

    Short course (Coimbra) by Spaceway · €250 (~£211) · Past

    This intensive space course provides the skills and expertise about the process of designing and developing a small satellite space mission for Earth Observation and gives insights into commercial applications. From concurrent design to systems engineering, mission analysis, project management, and commercial innovation, the course combines the knowledge from industry top-level experts with intensive hands-on training.

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    Infante & The Future of SmallSat Constellations

    Short course (Online) by Spaceway · €159 (~£134) · Past

    The Course has the goal of providing the participants with knowledge in Mission Concept, Mission Analysis, Systems Engineering, Design Thinking, and Business Model, as well as the knowledge to retrieve value from the SmallSat Constellations.

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    Small Satellite Mission Engineering

    Short course (Online) by Spaceway · €159 (~£134) · Current

    This intensive space course provides the skills and expertise about the process of designing and developing a small satellite space mission for satellite communications and gives you deep insights into business applications. From mission analysis and design to systems engineering, project management, and commercial innovation, the course combines the knowledge from academia and industry with hands-on training.

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    Nanosatelite Engineering and Mission Analysis Course

    Short course (Online) by Spaceway · €180 (~£152) · Past

    Nanosatellites have become one of the pillars of commercial space applications, and technological and scientific demonstration, opening new markets and creating new jobs. Small satellites have the ability to form large constellations with the potential to achieve similar or greater performance than traditional ones. With this course, you learn about nanosatellite design and space applications.

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    Space Communications Fundamentals

    Short course (Online) by Space Business Qualified (SBQ) · $250 (~£194) · Current

    All spacecraft rely on communications. Learn how communications links work, and their practical and theoretical limits.

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    Space Business - Finance, Legal & Regulatory

    Short course (Online) by Space Business Qualified (SBQ) · $250 (~£194) · Current

    Space is a capital-intensive business funded by public and private financing, and governed by complex legal and regulatory rules developed over decades.

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    Welcome to the Business of Space

    MOOC (Online) by Space Business Qualified (SBQ) · Free · Current

    A free introductory course outlines the size of today’s industry, its major applications, and the basics of rocket launch and spacecraft communication.

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    Space Business - Markets

    Short course (Online) by Space Business Qualified (SBQ) · $250 (~£194) · Current

    This unit introduces the established market sectors in the space business, their relative size and growth, and introduces the emerging markets that will propel the future of the business.

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    Spacecraft Fundamentals

    Short course (Online) by Space Business Qualified (SBQ) · $250 (~£194) · Current

    Gain an understanding what goes into a spacecraft and its impact on cost, size, and weight.

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    Fundamentals of Orbits & Getting into Space

    Short course (Online) by Space Business Qualified (SBQ) · $250 (~£194) · Current

    Learn the principles of rocketry, the designs in use today, and the essentials of different orbits and how rockets reach them.

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    Launchsite Operations for Professionals

    Short course (Varies) by Space Industry Centre for Excellence (SiC4E) · POA · Current

    Covers detailed knowledge required for managing launchsite operations.

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    Propulsion Engineering Safety for Undergraduates

    Short course (Varies and Online) by Space Industry Centre for Excellence (SiC4E) · POA · Current

    Covers necessary practical skills for undergraduates studying space-related STEM or are interested in space careers.

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    Launchsite Operations Safety for Undergraduates

    Short course (Varies and Online) by Space Industry Centre for Excellence (SiC4E) · POA · Current

    Covers essential safety requirements for launch.

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    Propulsion Test Safety for Professionals

    Short course (Varies) by Space Industry Centre for Excellence (SiC4E) · POA · Current

    Covers all aspects of practical skills relating to propulsion work on spacecraft.

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    Uncertainty Analysis for Earth Observation

    MOOC (Online) by National Physical Laboratory (NPL) · Free · Current

    This one-day e-learning course introduces a structured approach to uncertainty analysis when applied to the radiometric and spectral calibration of instruments with Earth observation applications. The course focuses on how to apply uncertainty analysis, taking users step-by-step through the concepts before introducing real laboratory and field examples. It is suitable for both a general scientific audience and experienced professionals working in the field.

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    Modeling Forest Aboveground Biomass using EO Data and Machine Learning: Challenges and Opportunities

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    Miombo woodland ecosystems (in Africa) play a vital role in the global carbon cycle, however, it is currently difficult to know how much carbon they store and sequester due to a lack of data. Therefore, an accurate estimation of forest above ground biomass (AGB) is required to provide the baseline of forest carbon stocks and quantify the anthropogenic emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation. In addition, accurate estimation of forest AGB is critical to implementing cost-effective carbon emission mitigation strategies.

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    Custom Scripts

    Resource (Online) by Sentinel Hub · Free · Current

    Use custom scripts to create useful and beautiful satellite visualizations in EO Browser. Visit our friendly tutorial for complete beginners and learn how to create custom color composites, implement remote sensing indices and use custom color scales to display the phenomena of your interest in an informative and appealing way.

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    EO Methods and Data

    Resource (Online) by Sentinel Hub · Free · Current

    If you’re a beginner in remote sensing or just starting out with Sentinel Hub, check out our short video course on remote sensing essentials with a comprehensive overview of common use cases and tools. This is a great introduction to what you can do with Sentinel Hub, touching on scripting, EO Browser, API, and even machine learning!

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    Mars Introduction Day

    Workshop (Genk) by Space Training Academy · POA · Current

    Is being an astronaut a lifelong dream of yours? Do you look up at the sky, wondering what is out there? And if you had the opportunity to go on an expedition to Mars, would you take it? During this Mars introduction day, you will find out everything you ever wanted to know about the Red Planet from Nancy Vermeulen, who was the commander of a Mars simulation mission in Utah.

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    Mars-Inspired Team Building

    Workshop (Genk) by Space Training Academy · POA · Current

    How would your team function on Mars? Would you be able to work together under extreme circumstances, far away from civilization? What can you learn from the survival and communication techniques that astronauts apply in space? Find out, as astronaut trainer and space expert Nancy Vermeulen takes you on a journey to the Red Planet.

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    Vegetation and Forest Cover Applications

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    Vegetation is essential in the global terrestrial ecosystem since it provides ecosystem services such as protecting the land surface, modifying the local climate, and conserving biodiversity. The structure of vegetation substantially influences ecosystem function and productivity. Scientists report that vegetation structure correlates with biophysical parameters such as aboveground biomass (AGB) and primary productivity. Therefore, detailed quantification of vegetation structure is crucial for assessing the structure and functioning of ecosystems.

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    Executive training for the space sector

    Seminar (Online) by Alden Legal, University of Leicester, and National Space Academy · POA · Current

    Alden Legal and the National Space Academy are excited to be able to offer this unique specialist course, combining trusted legal advice and current insight on regulation and policy with accessible technological expertise and comprehensive knowledge of space sector contexts. This one-day course is a brilliant primer for executives from all backgrounds

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    High - Altitude Training

    Workshop (Soesterberg) by Space Training Academy · POA · Current

    In a spacecraft, you can breathe normally because the cabin pressure is kept under control. In case of a malfunction, this pressure can drop, lowering the quantity of available oxygen. During this training, we expose you to oxygen deprivation under the supervision of our experts.

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    Resource (Online) by Sentinel Hub · Free · Current

    Have you ever wanted to make a cool time-lapse of a certain location, but there were clouds in a way? Or the area was too large to process at once? Read our guide for creating animations from different data collections obtained via Sentinel Hub services and follow along with the provided Jupyter Notebook.

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    High - G Centrifuge Training

    Workshop (Soesterberg) by Space Training Academy · POA · Current

    If you want to go into space, you need to know how your body will react under extreme physiological conditions. One of the things to test is your tolerance to high accelerations, also known as "high - g". During this training, you can discover in a safe environment how much g you can endure. Our team of specialists teaches you how to increase your tolerance to avoid a g - induced blackout.

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    Leveraging Earth Observation (EO) Data and Cloud Computing for Disaster Risk Management

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    The UN report that extreme weather and climate events are projected to increase over decades. Scientists warn that the frequency of cyclones and heavy storms, on the one hand, and the intensity of droughts and wildfires, on the other hand, will likely increase globally. Furthermore, the power of weather- and climate-related disasters will also increase economic losses that affect the poor and marginalized communities. Therefore, there is a need to understand the spatial and inter-annual variability of natural disasters and the population’s exposure to disaster risk. For example, information on the spatial extent of an event and the degree of destruction is critical in supporting emergency response, recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

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    Geospatial Machine Learning for Mapping Urban Land Cover in Earth Engine

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    The purpose of this course is to explore Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 image collection in GEE. We will compile quarterly multi-seasonal Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 imagery collection scenes acquired between January and October 2020. Quarterly multi-seasonal composite imagery comprises composites for the rainy (January – March), post-rainy (April-June), and dry season (July-October) for Harare, which is going to be the case study.

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    Desdemona Space Flight Simulation

    Workshop (Soesterberg) by Space Training Academy · POA · Current

    Train like a genuine astronaut and receive your first pair of "Astro Wings". Experience a launch to the Moon, dock with the International Space Station "ISS", learn to land a spacecraft yourself and enjoy the magnificent view! Soon, you too can experience space travel and call yourself a "Space Ranger".

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    Deep Learning for Mapping

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    This course provides guidelines on implementing deep learning-based semantic segmentation to detect or map urban features such as building footprints and roads. We are going to use VHR imagery for mapping the urban elements. This course consists of two labs. Lab 1 will focus on instance segmentation using Mask-RCNN on a local machine (CPU or GPU), while lab two will focus on instance segmentation using Mask-RCNN on a Google Colab.

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    Getting started with JASMIN

    Resource (Online) by Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) · Free · Current

    This webinar focussed on how new users can ‘get started’ on JASMIN, a globally unique data intensive supercomputer for environmental science.

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    Index Tool

    Resource (Online) by Sentinel Hub · Free · Current

    The Index tool has a user friendly interface for creating and visualizing satellite indices by dragging and dropping bands into the equation and setting up custom visualizations with just a couple of clicks. This guide will show you how to use the feature, which options you have available and how to fine-tune your visualization.

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    Data-centric Explainable Machine Learning for Land Cover Mapping

    MOOC (Online) by AI.Geolabs · Free · Current

    In this course, explainable machine learning refers to the extent to which the underlying mechanism of a machine learning model can be explained (Biecek and Burzykowski 2020). That is, explainable machine learning models allow us (humans) to explain what the model learned and how it made predictions (post-hoc). Note this is different from interpretable machine learning (e.g., linear and logistic regression models), which refers to the extent to which a cause and effect are observed within a model (Molnar 2019).

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    Climate Data Records from Satellites: A Metrological Approach

    MOOC (Online) by National Physical Laboratory (NPL) · Free · Current

    This one-day e-learning course provides a structured approach to metrology to support fundamental climate data products from satellites. The course provides a step-by-step guide to considering the uncertainties and error correlation structures associated with satellite Earth observation data. The focus is on the level 1 products of passive radiometric sensors, though the core principles also apply to active sensors and to level 2 and higher-level products generated from a metrologically-rigorous level 1 product

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    Space Introduction Day

    Workshop (Genk) by Space Training Academy · POA · Current

    Your "Space Introduction Day" has been described by many who have gone before you as a "mind blowing experience". You enter a universe full of stars and planets. The day offers you the unique opportunity to experience what it would be like to be a space traveller and to get a glimpse of the future.

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    Zero Gravity Flight

    Workshop (Amsterdam) by Space Training Academy · POA · Current

    Would you like to experience for yourself what it is like to float weightlessly like an astronaut? You can do this on a "zero-gravity flight" or "parabolic flight". Astronauts are weightless in space. To prepare themselves on Earth for that weightlessness, they regularly undertake parabolic flights. The Space Training Academy organizes parabolic flights, including preparation.

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    Microelectronic solutions for digital photography

    MOOC (Online) by Open University · Free · Current

    The human eye is a fascinating and complicated device, but how do digital cameras capture images? This free course, Microelectronic solutions for digital photography, examines one of the humanmachine interfaces that link optical information to the electronic world. You will learn how the components within a digital camera capture images for electronic manipulation.

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    Telescopes and spectrographs

    MOOC (Online) by Open University · Free · Current

    This free course, Telescopes and spectrographs, looks at how they are designed to improve our ability to observe the universe. You will examine how different technologies have been developed over the last four hundred years to enable us to look deep into space.

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    Comparing stars

    MOOC (Online) by Open University · Free · Current

    Stars can necessarily be observed only at a distance. Comparing stars is a 16-hour free course that introduces the HertzsprungRussell diagram, an essential tool in understanding the nature of stars. You should have some understanding of the basic stellar properties of luminosity and temperature in order to get the most from the course.

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    Climate data analysis with python

    Short course (Online) by UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology · £99 · Current

    This on-demand course has 11 sessions with 6 exercises and 14 videos. It is an introductory level course to help you plot, manipulate and analyse NetCDF climate data using python. The course focuses on gridded climate model outputs. You can easily extend the concepts and techniques taught to other forms of NetCDF data (e.g. observations). Requirements: The total learning time is approximately one day.

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    Transforming Environmental Data in R

    Short course (Online) by UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology · £549 · Current

    This 2-day interactive online course will help you understand the benefits of data transformation tools (such as R). The course also includes an "Introduction to R" session for those not familiar with the software.

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    Small Satellite Market and Technology Trends

    Seminar (Guildford) by SSTL · POA · Current

    Provide an overview of the current small satellite market and potential future trends. Highlight important considerations when building a business case with focus on EO applications. Share SSTL’s experience as a pioneer of smallsat revolution and our view of the state of the art in that area.

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    Displaying opportunities 151 - 200 of 605 in total